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Transformational Coaching for Creatives, Spiritual Entrepreneurs and Neurodivergents

Welcome to Transformational Coaching with Yve

"I help you transform the limiting beliefs that hold you hostage so you attain goals you didn't think you could reach!"

Transformational Coaching for Creatives, Spiritual Entrepreneurs and Neurodivergents

Hi, I'm Yve...

I'm a transformational mindset coach and limiting belief specialist. I also describe myself as a spiritual life coach.


I help people connect with their true selves, and see themselves without limitations so they attain goals they didn't think they could reach.

Our limitations often stem from a lack of self-love and allowing ourselves to be defined by others, rather than by understanding and honouring ourselves.

Glowing Testimonial

Transformational Coaching with Yve takes you beyond the surface of things. I support you to tap into your intuition, and cultivate greater self-love, self-awareness and self-forgiveness to expand your ideas around what's possible for your life. I work primarily with heart-centred or spiritual entrepreneurs, and creatives. But if you feel drawn to working with me - however you'd describe yourself, then I look forward to hearing from you.


  • What burning issue in your personal or professional life do you need support with right now?

  • Where in your life are you feeling most unfulfilled, unloved or unappreciated?

  • What goal or desire have you felt too frightened to pursue because you might fail?

  • What would your life look like if you stopped denying what you really want from life?

If you'd struggle to answer these questions and would like more clarity, or you know the answers and are ready to make a transformational change in your life, then a Limiting Belief Buster Session might be just what you need! Or you can book a Free Discovery Session to find out if we're a good fit.

Transformational Coaching Options

Limiting Belief Buster Sessions promo image

1 highly-focused 60 minute session to identify and begin to shift a specific limiting belief.
Ready to begin?

Click the link to find out more.

Breakthrough to Success 6 week course promo image

6 inspiring weekly sessions - You have a personal/career goal that you're being called to attain. 

Ready to begin?

Click the link to find out more.

Breakthrough to Success 12 week course

12 inspiring weekly sessions - For spiritual entrepreneurs and creatives who want to grow their business.

Ready to begin?

Click the link to find out more.

Success Stories

One client who had been struggling to get clients for a while, had three people approach her wanting to work with her.

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More Rave Reviews

“Genuine and Inspirational.

Thanks for the no-nonsense and insightful session. You're a lovely soul. You are clear and inspirational. Yve is a breath of fresh air."


"I was drawn to Yve and wasn't disappointed. If you want clarity on a situation she'll support you to find your own answers and shares her intuitive insights in ways that empower you." 


"Working with Yve allowed confidence, creativity and innovation to flow into my business activities and my work with clients. Thank you, Yve for your ability to be fully present."



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