Heal Your Love Story
Have You Been Love Scammed?
What Does Being Love Scammed Mean?
Being love-scammed can mean anything from being catfished to dating a narcissist, a serial cheater, a bigamist, or someone who's just out to get money from vulnerable (often older) men and women.
The intention in these types of relationships is not to have an honest and sincere connection with you, it's all about the scammer and what they're trying to achieve, with you simply being a means to an end.​
Love-Scammed Technique No.1 Love Bombing
Multiple daily text messages
An abundance of phone calls
Numerous voice messages
Love notes, flowers and cards
Someone who seems to love everything you love
Someone whose interests match yours perfectly
Someone who initially showers you with compliments
Someone who wants the relationship to move super-fast
Love-Scammed Technique No. 2 Gaslighting
Being given the cold shoulder after being love-bombed
Telling you to deny the evidence of your eyes and ears
Deliberately being made to feel stupid
Being made to feel unattractive with little quips and jabs
Being blamed for anything that goes wrong in the relationship
Making you feel like you're never quite good enough
Making it your responsibility to boost this person's ego
Feeling like you're walking around on eggshells to stay in the relationship
Telling you they need money urgently for some spurious reason
Love-Scammed Technique No. 3 Information Gathering
Checking your online profile to get clues about your interests
Asking for your home or work address
Asking you to send sexy pictures
Wanting to contact you directly by phone after a few chat messages
Finding out what lights you up and speaking to you in those terms
Testing your gullibility levels by blatantly lying to you
Finding out about your past relationships
Deliberately seeking to know your vulnerabilities
Wanting to know how much you earn
Subtly bullying you to see how you respond
Can you relate to any of the above?
If you've been victim to some or all of these techniques and behaviours then you may need help and support to trust in yourself again or believe in the power of love again.
Isn't it time for you to begin to heal that broken heart and embrace the potential of your future love story?​​
Heal Your Love Story Audio Course
​I set my intention when creating this audio course to address both the feelings of betrayal or humiliation that can be felt when we discover we’ve been dealing with a master manipulator and the feelings of jadedness that come when we now doubt that true love even exists.
The audio course is broken up into a Gaining Clarity pdf, Heal Your Love Story worksheets and two healing meditations - you can listen to samples from the meditations below.
The Gaining Clarity pdf explores with greater depth the multiple techniques used by narcissists and love scammers and how you can learn to spot the signs so you don’t get drawn back into this type of relationship.​
Meditation Sample 1
Three Healing Worksheets:
​​​Reclaiming Your Dignity
Loving Your Courageous Heart
Believing in True Love Again​​
Two Powerful Guided Meditations:
​​​​The Healing Heart Meditation
Visioning A Positive Love Future Meditation​